Child & Adolescent Therapy

We carefully observe a child or young person and respond to what they might be communicating through their behavior and play.


What is child and adolescent psychotherapy?

Child and adolescent psychologists treat a range of behavioral and emotional problems not easily addressed by other modes of treatment. Therapists are trained to carefully observe a child or young person and respond to what they might be communicating through their behavior and play. They also apply their framework of thinking to work with parents and families.

How do child and adolescent psychologists work?

Therapists may see a child or young person individually, in a group with other children or young people or with parents or other family members. Through the relationship with the therapist in a consistent setting, the child or young person may begin to feel able to express their most troubling thoughts and feelings. Confused, frightened, hurt, angry or painful feelings can gradually be put into words rather than actions. The therapist can help the child make sense of their own experience and develop their own individuality and potential.

How are parents or families involved?

Therapists may also see parents without the child being present. Sometimes the child is seen by another professional while work with the parents goes on; sometimes only the parents are worked with. The work may focus on helping the parent make sense of the child’s behavior, as well as understanding how the parents’ own conflicts interfere with their ability to parent well. It may also explore different possibilities in parenting styles. Child and adolescent psychotherapists play a specialist function as part of a multi-disciplinary team, helping to support other professionals including teachers, social workers, health visitors, doctors, nursery staff and youth workers in a range of settings. The supervision, training and consultation they offer can help these other professionals better understand the child?s perspective and implement what is needed for growth and success.

What happens in a typical session with a child?

Child and adolescent psychotherapists tailor their approach to the individual child and work in an age-appropriate way. During an individual session, young children do not usually talk directly about difficult things but will communicate through play using the toys provided. Older children may also play or draw whilst teenagers are more likely to talk about their feelings. To a trained eye, play is a powerful form of communication which may express how a child feels and the difficulties he or she may be experiencing. The relationship between the child and the therapist is central to the treatment.

How long does treatment last?

Interventions with children and/or parents may be short- or long-term, from as few as two to six sessions to regular appointments over several years. Research has demonstrated the existence of a ‘sleeper effect’, with adults who had been treated as children or young people still feeling its impact many years later.

What range of difficulties are treated?

Child and adolescent psychotherapists see children with a wide range of difficulties, including problems with peer relationships, family conflict, underachievement at school, insecurity and lack of confidence, or more serious mental health conditions including depression, anxiety, learning difficulties and bipolar disorder . They also treat children who are suffering the effects of neglect and abuse.

The relationship between the child and the therapist is central to the treatment.

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Contact Us

We are happy to speak with you at your convenience about anything you would like to address in your life or career. Feel free to give us a call or send an email to begin our discussion and proceed with an appointment. Thank you.

Bedford Office

Upland Road North
Bedford, NY 10506


+1 (914) 242-2100


Mount Kisco Office

49 Smith Avenue
Mount Kisco, NY 10549