Adult Therapy
Individual therapy is an important form of treatment for many kinds of psychological problems.
What range of difficulties are treated in individual therapy?
Issues such as anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem are a few areas that can be effectively treated through individual therapy. In addition, people experiencing an emotional crisis due to marital problems, family disputes, problems at work, loneliness, or troubled social relationships may benefit from psychotherapy.
What happens in a typical individual therapy session?
The initial phase often consists of an evaluation where the patient discusses the reasons for seeking treatment, allowing the therapist to develop an understanding of the nature and range of the individual’s particular difficulties. After this initial period, sessions will become less like an interview; the frequency of visits (one or more times per week) will be established and the person will be asked to share whatever is on their minds. At this point, the therapist’s job is to listen and help the person explore and identify patterns of thinking, feeling, and interacting that may play a role in his or her struggles.
We listen and help individuals explore and identify patterns of thinking, feeling, and interacting.
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Contact Us
We are happy to speak with you at your convenience about anything you would like to address in your life or career. Feel free to give us a call or send an email to begin our discussion and proceed with an appointment. Thank you.
Bedford Office
Upland Road North
Bedford, NY 10506
+1 (914) 242-2100
Mount Kisco Office
49 Smith Avenue
Mount Kisco, NY 10549